Monday, August 8, 2011

Just an Update

finally got a facebook fanpage... and anyone who reads this should probably become a fan...

it's not really up-and-running as much as i want it to yet, but i need a much bigger fan-base before i can really start doing anything anyways. so tell your friends to become fans also :-)

in other news, i am very excited to be shooting the wedding of two friends on mine this saturday. Karen and Mitch have known each other for a very long time and are tying the knot this saturday at the open gate church in waldorf, md. i've worked with Mitch several times as a music director and accompanist for some of the shows i've done and met Karen through being around the family. i can assure you that the ceremony will be beautiful and that the reception will be a complete blast, and i cannot wait to share the photos here.

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