Friday, December 31, 2010

Ringin' in the New Year

so the last time i made a post i was just about to graduate. and now i've officially graduated and i am getting ready for the new year! the ceremony was really nice... i had been dreading it all quarter, but it really was not that bad. the national building museum is BEAUTIFUL and was the perfect venue for our exhibits and ceremony. i gave out a lot of resumes and business cards and such, so hopefully some business comes around. now that i'm done i can focus on working and building a successful business in the new year! i already have a few things lined up in addition to my internship at the Kennedy Center, but i am always looking for more. my plan is to send some marketing materials to the professional theatres in the DC area such as Arena, Signature and Woolly-Mammoth and i will certainly keep you all in the know on what i am doing. anywho! i'm sure this post was a little bit anti-climactic, but i don't have much else to say and i just wanted to give a heads up before the new year starts.



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