Sunday, October 24, 2010

Photoshop Magic

just because i'm a little bored in the studio today... i shot this watch...

i wanted a shadow from the watch, so i had to use some side lighting but this made a harsh shadow on part of the face of the watch. i decided to do a little bit of a pseudo-HDR with these three images...

it only took a little bit of finessing and a smidge of patience and i think it came out pretty nice. what do you think???

not too shabby. anyways, there will be some more shot coming up very soon! i also shot another piece of jewelry and i'll be shooting some beauty shots and a make-up ad in a little bit. and on tuesday i'll be shooting an event for Select Confections, so check back soon for some new stuff!

All images owned and copyrighted by Scotty Beland.

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