i have basically taken the previous logo which was a photograph and used the shape of the figure to create the silhouetted figures in the photo above. my goal is to finalize these soon and get to work on laying out a press kit for KPG in the next couple of weeks. leave comments here and elt me know what you think! i will also be designing banners and buttons and graphics for the organizations web-site, and consulting on some content for strategic and artistic planning.
anyways, i also have a few weddings coming up and hopefully a few headshot sessions, so be on the lookout for those. also, i updated my web-site a little bit with a new bio and a new gallery for my graphic design portfolio (make sure to check it out to see some of the other work i am doing through my internship). and feel free to leave comments!
man, i love being busy!
All images owned and copyrighted by Scotty Beland.