those of you who have kept up with my blogs know that i have a strong background in performance, and that I have had some success with doing a bit of theatre photography in the dcarea (thanks studio theatre and arena stage!). i am devising a collection of dance photographs to begin tackling the dance scene in the dc area also. i think dance is one of the most beautiful and expressive art forms and that dancers are the perfect blend of athleticism and art. i have dabbled in dance photography before, and it has always been secondary when shooting live theatre performances, particularly in musicals. i think this could be a really great thing for me to do! i am hoping to cast some dancers for a few shoots over the next few months to really get a start on this portfolio and i hope that i will be able to post some of the photos here soon! also, if any of you know of any nice studio spaces with lots of natural light that i could rent, or some really strong, trained dancers with good technique, please let me know. here's an oldie!

All images owned and copyrighted by Scotty Beland.