i wanted to talk about the fact that this is my LAST QUARTER of college! i am ecstatic to say the least, and at the same time a little nervous because i don't know what happens next. maybe grad school? who knows??? as much as i may have complained to any of my friends about school, i do have to say that i learned a lot and acheived the goals i set for myself. aside from that i couldn't ask for more, but i know i will come out of this experience with a lot of good friends that i know i will carry with me for a lifetime. couldn't have done it without any of them.
although i have been going to college for 3 and a half years, i still can't say that i prefer one genre of photography over the others. i like shooting people for the social interaction and learning something new, and product and food photography has grown on me because there's so much thought that can go into it. i kind of enjoy being able to say that i don't necessarily have a niche of photography that i'm married to. it keeps my options open and that's always a good thing. anywho, i wanted to share a few things i have shot along the way at good 'ole aiw... so here they are!